Im working on realising this and letting go, accepting im not in control and it may happen it may not, but I dont need to focus on it now. Yes! Once you've identified your compulsions you need to practise NOT doing them when the scary thoughts come to you. How to Be More Aware of Your Surroundings? She says that my current emotional condition and public speaking won`t just how to say it.. work out? Press J to jump to the feed. I, in my infinite childhood wisdom, thought it would be hilarious to bring a laser pen to school with me that day, despite it being on the wideley circulated list of items we were explicitly told to not bring that day. I wisited doctor and I think this was right thing to do. My sister is a Poli sci grad student and we live together. I get severe anxiety whenever I'm around the police. Right! To be honest, I am even sometimes thinking of commiting suicide as a means to end this constant anxiety. Terrorism is rational. My hands get clammy, my heart races, etc. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. If you experience these thoughts excessively, it is probably a good idea to seek professional help. About a year ago I was hospitalized because I hadnt slept for 2 weeks straight because of anxiety and OCD. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Also, do not blindly trust people. Sometimes things happen, don't take it too personally. So, make sure to stick around till the end. A am a political scientist and I dwell in Moscow since I was born. Claustrophobia: Fear of enclosed spaces. These fears could be about anything. Dealt with it how I deal with all my other obsessions. I've had all sorts of themes, so I unfortunately have been through quite a lot. I tell myself it's OCD and let it go. December 27, 2020 in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Accepting these thoughts will help you understand your fears better as well. I have run Apart from getting help from lawyers and deleting posts, what else do you do to relieve the anxiety? This is where it all started. Do not copy or redistribute in any form! But having these thoughts can nonetheless seem scary and evoke more fear. Identifying and understanding the source of your intrusive thoughts will help you keep these thoughts away easily. I read books, I play games, but fear thought are "floating around". Fear of getting OCD may result in a self-fulfilling prophecy. I have a huge fear my children will be taken away. So, you may also wonder, does OCD cause phobias?. WebIt is important to understand that OCD can make a person uncertain about the most basic things that they think, see, hear, touch, or experience otherwise. The best I can do is to go by my therapist's word that I've done no wrong, and that the "victim" seems to be fine and even told methat I've no need to apologize. Press J to jump to the feed. not only should you not do your compulsion but actively do the opposite. First of all, I have real event ocd, so I get it. That's a shame, Richard. Is the event real or imagined? I feel like I don`t know. Usually I wrote only scientfic papers - youtube format was new for me and I was ready for it. I tried everything to get rid of the depression and just deal with the jobs. It may be that your fear of going to jail OCD has developed because of an event in your real life. And realize that my fear wasn't all that real. So, does OCD cause fear, or does fear cause OCD, and is OCD based on fear? But in the case of those with OCD, these thoughts can be very paralyzing. Reasoning does not help control the obsessions. Linds: thanks for the advice. While most people would describe their worst fear in terms of a concrete event (e.g., losing a loved one, going to jail, losing all their money, getting cancer, going to hell, etc. Intrusive-obsessive Worry Of Going To Prison, Help Me! But first, this section highlights a few strategies that might help you lessen your OCD fear of going to jail and other sorts of fears, too. Most people Anyway, whether or not I can be punished, I can't seem to get rid of the feeling that I should be punished for possibly having bad thoughts as a 9 year old child. I`ve had another occurence of immense fear. I'd say that communication is key; you're struggling with whether to go off the meds or not, as well as a bunch of other things, and I think you should communicate that with your girlfriend and anyone else you think it would be helpful to. Not understanding why theyre doing what theyre doing only adds to the feeling of not having control. All right reserved. Common obsessions are: A strong fixation with dirt or germs Repeated doubts (for example, about having turned off the stove) A need to have things in a very specific It may have been why you have decided to click on this article. Finding a lump on your testicle definitely requires a visit to the doctor to get it checked out. I feel like I don`t know. I read books, I play games, but fear thought are "floating around". It`s like I must stay constantly vigiliant and supres How your mind keeps going over it, churning. But there are many causes of testicular lumps, so although its natural to fear cancer until the doctor has assessed it it's unrealistic to assume the lump has to be cancer or to continue to worry once it's been checked out. This particular therapy option seems to be effective for 70% of the cases of OCD and complex PTSD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Forum. I don`t get why medication is not working properly, why I can`t get rid of this "swarm of fear thoughts", The thing is that my psychiatrist believes that OCD is only part of the story and that in general I have a shizotipical disorder. I relate to the secret list. We treat OCD by restoring a persons sense of agency, or control. For instance several years ago I found a lump on my testicle and got immediately scared that it is testicl cancer. And somehow the problems with criminal code fear me much more than rabies, HIV or even cancer. But you have to take a leap of faith and stop looking for any kind of reassurance for a while to get there. And longest. However I am so much afraid of law enforcers, that it became much more than "ordinary obession". She means that I am not ready to public speaking atthe moment and that I should abstain from it since the act of public speaking leads to me later re-watching videos, micro-analyzing my words (seeking criminal meaning in them) and paying momey to lawyers. I posted a similar thread over on the anxiety board. I am 20 years old, and have been suffering from OCD for almost 8 years now. Yeah, I've found that jail thoughts can't really be logically defeated. Healthy 23 year old men who are abstaining from PMO in my experience make awful decisions. Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. People with OCD often cognitively distort their reality. So, talking yourself through these thoughts should help you rationalize better. Keep reminding yourself that you can in fact commit these crimes and go to jail. More in-depth perspectives can be found here: Targets and Rationales for RF-ERP Exposures. Tbh I think most police in most places would look at a person that came in and said at nine they wanted to hurt a classmate, like they're nuts. Fear of acting out may be most prevalent in the following obsessions: Aggression - thoughts of harming others or of harming oneself Sexuality - thoughts of changing orientation or of engaging in unwanted sexual behaviors Religion - thoughts of violating religious rules Morality - thoughts of engaging in immoral behavior This Is Where It can sometimes take years of silent suffering for several people before seeking professional help. Never asked for it but never stopped it either. Its definitely not healthy :( . And Im willing to curb it. And OCD is just one angle. however in Russia it is not. Ive never met anyone with that fear besides myself, thank you for telling this helps a lot. Again they are going through an adjustment to a new norm. The fucking mental gymnastics that my brain puts me through H a ha are you me? Wouldn't want the Dr. to take them, now would I? Obsessions are unfounded thoughts, fears, or worries. I visited Youtube channel that often criticises Kremlin. In truth your fear is equally unjustified as someone who washes their hands 20 times instead of once. But I actually imagine spending time in prison and how I'll manage my OCD (Contamination) in prison. The intense intrusive thoughts of OCD can be crippling and interfere with your day-to-day work. Agreed with glowmousemoon. When I used to do these searches, I told myself it was to prove that sort of thing doesn't really happen but I end up convincing myself I'd be the first. Even if this possibility were real, how should I behave? The support of others is critical at this time. Do you ask yourself a lot of what ifs? My obsessions revolve are harm, so fear of doing something bad or illegal resonates with me. Can anyone relate? Even though I haven't done anything that would warrant that. CBT can teach you to see your obsessions in a new light and overcome your compulsions. If someone decides to do something wrong that is illegal, abandon them. Is there a concrete way to accept this and live in peace regardless? Dates on a calendar don't mean anything good or bad. It's going to take hard work every single day. However, there is a general recurring theme that characterizes the disorder. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The attempt to reassure yourself by hiring lawyers didn't erase your unrealistic fear, deleting youtube content didn't give you relief, and when there is no knock at the door in the morning that won't bring relief either. I said nothig against Kremlin, but I can`t stop microanalyzing my words. You can manage it more with a better response system. My therapist believes that CBT is not for me. It can be different for your case. Yes you are definitely not alone. Ive had all sorts of themes, so I unfortunately have suffered quite a bit. What about anty-anxiety meds? One of the best kinds of therapy is Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Ive asked my best friend and my dad about it, and they said that nothing will happen, but I am still ruminating. It's said that OCD usually kicks off when we start dedicating too much attention to too our intrusive thoghts. Can you access books on OCD and CBT in Russia? Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Logically I can't think of any reason it would ever happen, but that fear is constant. I KNOW IM AN AWFUL PERSON I JUST NEED HELP SO I CAN MAKE THIS RIGHT. I realize that in UK and US CBT is a dominant school. Do you cave in and change what youre doing or do you go ahead and do it anyway? They have a strong sense of urgency that they must attend to or else these compulsive thoughts continue to plague their minds. The private prison industry is huge business here, and they lobby for more jailable offenses, to generate business. The first step in managing your OCD fears is identifying your intrusive thoughts. Then you know what you're trying to stop. I Need to Be Dead: I Am Fed up With My Life! My husband cracks up (we laugh about it together. They may begin with hints of truth, which is why they can be so alluring and grab attention fast. It`s like I must stay constantly vigiliant and supress them. Begging for help. It is unlikely that these fears will ever come true. People with OCD are afraid of making a mistake that they cant take back, one that would lead them to experience their most feared emotional state forever. Fear of contamination (germs, viruses) 2. Privet Richard. (My attempt at 'hello' in Russian!) In OCD the thing we fear always seems very real and very likely to happen unless we do the comp It may be physical or mental rituals such as thinking neutralizing thoughts, counting, checking the house is locked and safe (to stop the police breaking in easily) or it could be something specific to you that helps you feel safe. Finally I read the news that Robert Kraft was in trouble for doing what I did and I thought that I was going to go to jail. Even if this possibility were real, how should I behave? Better to not want to kill or maim, but sometimes not acting on thoughts is the best we can shoot for. (My attempt at 'hello' in Russian!). Still, yup, always afraid that I will somehow be breaking some obscure law or be accidentally on some list and just get disappeared. Finally I read the news that Robert Kraft was in trouble for doing what I did and I thought that I was going to go to jail. I wrote to my doc that Zeldox isn`t working at all and that I need something more powerful to shut my obsessive thoughts down. I have had OCD for a very long time, but recently it's just been getting out of control. I didnt really think it was that big of a deal at the time, but it really breaks me now. Lol, thanks OCD. But I accept that. Fear of rejection and judgement from society We strongly believe that other people having a negative opinion of us is the worst feeling ever. While simple explanations leave a lot out, I hope the above will serve as a starting point for discerning the coherency in OCD symptoms. I eventually came clean to my girlfriend because obviously she knew something was wrong and went back to live with my mom. By talks I mean the process of psychitherapy. I tried to get better jobs but either realized I was to dumb or didnt have the qualifications. I try to tell myself the fear spiral is NOT the obsession or the problem, but rather the OCD desperate for absolute certainty in an uncertain world. Is there a concrete way to accept this and live in peace regardless? Accepted the possibility that it might happen. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Derealization Disorder, Hyper Conscious Awareness: How to Be More Aware of Your Surroundings. These thoughts will likely happen anyway. Additionally, they may use emotional reasoning where one regards their emotions as facts. I have no doubt CBT would help you, it's even used to help schizoid disorders quite commonly now. Its not always the case, so I would stop you there if youre feeling alarmed. It appears you have not yet Signed Up with our community. Blindness OCD Common obsessions Fears of getting sick or contracting an illness Fears of an illness having a symptom of vision loss Fears around having blurry vision Being hyper focused on any vision changes Consistently consulting a doctor regarding fears of blindness and seeking reassurance Checking for changes in vision The only problem is that in Russia you really can be jailed for political views. Ever since, any time I see a cop or am reminded of law enforcement. She says that my problems and emotional traumas run much deeper, that CBT can help. Because your thoughts are fear-based, its important not to avoid them. They are not. It is incredible how our thoughts can seem pointless once we voice them aloud. I started taking Luvox. You can't allow yourself to change your actions or plans based on numbers. by coconutjam82 Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:31 am, by coconutjam82 Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:31 am, by coconutjam82 Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:18 am, by coconutjam82 Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:51 am, by sillycaterpillar89 Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:16 am, by eightpencils Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:52 pm, Return to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Forum, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 36 guests. But OCD sufferers feel anxiety and overwhelming guilt more than regular people. Whenever you feel OCD really compelling you to do something (checking, counting, etc.) ivleo It's easy! The thing is, that you can recover from OCD and medicine is not a necessity to do so. Ideally this should be done with help from a therapist (or understanding what you're doing by reading about it yourself). Until next time, take care and be well. Then you can consider talking to them every time these thoughts threaten to plague your mind. But you can`t go to secret serrvices and ask them: "guys, are you OK with my words or are you going to prosecute me?". I've mostly gotten over it now just by continuously reminding myself I'm doing nothing wrong. I used to be afraid of rabies, HIV and cancer, but now the thing that fears me most is Russian state. Idk. The good news is that youll also learn about how to keep these thoughts at bay. Im insanely nervous around police, and I have never committed a crime, I have police in the extended family, and I dated a police officer. Sign up for a new account in our community. Your obsessive thoughts will keep the anxiety high no matter how often or how much reassurance you get. So, fear of going to jail OCD is one of this kind. But yet, my mind will then go in to "What If" mode (i.e. Ruminating is my compulsion. I don't think anyone has said this yet but you need to address the numbers thing. Of course this occasionally leads to intrusive thoughts about doing something illegal just because I can, but once I recognize them as just OCD, I can fight them off more easily. This has also evolved into my kids being taken away too. The only problem is that in Russia you really can be jailed for political views. For real though, that's solid advice from your therapist. +1(415)-323-0836 (Whatsapps), [emailprotected]. The persons subjective lack of agency regarding their symptoms worsens as theyve been doing those symptoms for a longer and longer time, because they have so many experiences of feeling as though they dont have a choice about doing them. is reader-supported. My girlfriend gave me a second chance and I started making it up to her things were going okay for a while but the drugs have made it impossible to function and have a normal life and I cant take it anymore. The Extra thing only happened twice out of all of these visits. For example, fear of getting dirty is an OCD disorder. Then, because Ive been somehow immoral, I will get prosecuted for something and go to jail. You need to see this as OCD. I worked on shuting this thoghts for days and just one analitical article returned all this fear and obsession. These can be unpleasant thoughts, excessive guilt, doubts, and crushing anxiety. PLEASE USE THE RESOURCES. Oh I absolutely can relate, the idea of getting arrested because I've built up a "secret list" of everything I ever did wrong and never knew about, realistically I've only ever gotten a slap on the wrist once by the law but ever since I've been panicked about it. Also I worry that the government is secretly watching my every move even though I haven't done anything wrong. I visited Youtube channel that often criticises Kremlin. I said some "poltical science stuff". I can`t totally discard probabilty of secret service OCD obsessions are repeated, persistent and unwanted thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive and cause distress or anxiety. Most of us have at least once felt the urge to bend the law at some point in our lives. However police may think otherwise, if my student informs police, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment.
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