Well done. What is a 7 foot medium-heavy fast action rod good for? In their heydays, both KHJ (930 AM) and KIIS-FM (102.7 FM) set revenue records while limiting ads run per hour. He was prattling about Queen Latifa and her amazing acting ability. Having the same spot running consistently is a thread of continuity which is a good thing. Lets watch this fat blob talk about a 60 flat-screen she bought for $1.99 on deal-dash dot com!!. Nonstop pabulum for the masses to keep them distracted from What Really Matters. I Googled, Why are there six minutes of commercials for every four minutes of content? and found your lovely, well-prepared and VERY well-written rant.. He said, The rationalization is that in a media cluttered landscape loaded with quick-cuts, playbacks, other commercials- all have the goal of getting our attention. 1 story for old people, 1 for families, 1 for science, 1-2 foreign affairs, 1 consumer report, 1 home town story, etc, and wrap-up with the weather, which is what most people want to know. Thus if you go above 60 pages, you're already over an hour. Coming up, Sterlings other mistresses, flooding in Florida, 7:23 COMMERCIALS. Existing rules set out by Ofcom limit Channel 5, ITV 1 and Channel 4 to just seven minutes of advertising per hour, rising to between eight and 12 minutes per hour during prime time.. This is an actual news story. They show a quick video of Bruno the gay Austrian (Borat) where he interviews Paula Abdul and she has to sit on some Mexican dude. Over the past 10 years, the number of ads on TV has been rising, with some channels featuring as much as 15 minutes' worth of them in a single hour. Everything beyond that reflects their obsession of Beating The Horse To Death via repetition and sensationalism (finding victims and exploiting their heartache). If the strategy proves attractive, she said, CNN might consider using it in other programs. 10 commercials). More ads have predictably led to more money for the TV industry. ! he screams, indicating some kind of mysterious possible conspiracy, then draws all kinds of shit on a wall chart thats almost impossible to follow. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. There are several reasons you may have seen ads repeat in the past. If you are an admin, please authenticate by logging in again. Someone long ago described McDonalds as a place where you couldnt get a good burger but you wouldnt get a bad burger either. Product placement is when a movie star is brought in to discuss their upcoming movie almost mandatory if its a Neegrow based movie such as, 12 Years A Slave, The Butler, any movie about Nelson Mandela, etc. Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. Time for the experts. No one ever says, Oh, look, Martha! Kayak / Jos A Bank / Miracle Grow / Cialis / Holton Garden / Tempurpedic / CNN Special Report / Anthony Bourdain. China Just Launched this Attack on the USD, Alan Greenspan Warns of this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings, The Little-Known (But Legal) IRS Tax Law to Move Your IRA or 401(k) to Gold, Wall Art to Perfectly Compliment Your I'm right, you're wrong. Variety and the Flying V logos are trademarks of Variety Media, LLC. And God forbid we have another airliner go down because Martin Savage will be on for a couple of weeks in a mock-up airline cockpit with an instructor pilot asking him, OK, what if I pushed that button, would it make us crash like the ordeal we witnessed with Malaysian flight 370. . The CNN Formula; - blatant partisanship + shrill ideologically governed anchors + misleading and inaccurate reporting + avoiding real stories + uninformed speculation + fantastical ruminations + endless mind-numbing commercials + a pinch of real news = DISMAL ratings. Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful, Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076, Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling. I think Roku Channel is 8 minutes of ads, but also free. you get two fucking minutes. A commercial isnt a commercial. First, I dont know what black people did to the English language in recent years, but I found it almost impossible to follow. I really appreciate Gilberts reflection on the state of affairs in modern America. I used to know a girl who wrote the NBC national evening affiliate news-that canned news they read before the national evening news goes on. A monstrous amount of critical information is constantly hidden from the majority of American people whose perception of reality and formation of values is controlled by the likes of CNN. Tornado / Ukraine Sanctions / Malaysian Airplane, Tornado / Korean Ferry / LA Clippers / Congressman (Donald Grimm arrested by FBI), Congressman / Malaysian Airplane / Ukraine Sanctions / Korean Ferry, NOON LEGAL VIEW WITH ASHLEIGH BANFIELD, Ukraine (Obama not willing to use force) / Kerry, 6:30PM CROSSFIRE [yes, please shoot me!! And CNN will dutifully report President Obama is doing a good job restoring order!. Commercials totaling 60 seconds or more account for just 2% of all TV advertising. Here is the breakdown; 1) Tornado 34 times 2) LA Clippers - 24 times 3) Malaysian Flight - 10 times 4) Ukraine Sanctions - 9 times 5) Corrupt Congressman 6 times 6) Korean Ferry - 3 times ', Will Smith Accepts Special Honor at AAFCA Ceremony, First In-Person Awards Speech Since 2022 Oscars, How Chicago Fire Said a Temporary Goodbye to Taylor Kinneys Kelly Severide Amid Leave of Absence, HBO's Leading Man: Casey Bloys on Perfecting 'The Last of Us,' HBO Max Streaming Merger and Axing Shows, A24 Sweeps Film Categories at the 2023 SAG Awards as 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' Breaks Record for Most Wins, Jean Smart 'Doing Well, Recovering' Following Heart Procedure, Says Hacks Co-Star Hannah Einbinder, Ke Huy Quan Becomes First Asian Male Film Winner at SAG Awards for 'Everything Everywhere All at Once'. Deal with it. We got three months free Sirius Radio when we purchased our car in January. Get some nookie. Cool. 43. But those who want to save a little cash now have another option: HBO Max with. Is joined by three other experts (cable news experts = guys who cant get jobs anywhere else.) In July, Netflix announced that it will partner with Microsoft (MSFT) to enhance sales and technology for the new plan. According to marketing experts, the average person sees between 4,000 and 10,000 ads in a single day. The rule for KHJ in the 1960s was eight minutes maximum per hour and no more than . Ever listen to talk radio? gilberts. Who is the current Speaker of Parliament 2022? Obama wipes his ass with it. a tremendous benefit for those of us who have never had the experience of waiting in a line. 7:26 Heavy rains in Florida annoying streaming banner at the bottom of the screen 2 trillion gallons of rain falls in Florida. Id rather shoot a nail gun into my eyeballs all day than watch this dreck. Instead, CNN whores regaled us with stories about a rich old fool and his skank ho mistress, a six week old story (with zero new relevant info) about a missing plane, the demonizing of Russia, and fantasies about a recovered economy. (Other services) 1.1.2(B) (a) The total amount of spot advertising in any one day must not exceed an average of nine minutes per hour (15 per cent) of broadcasting. Why can't you throw water on a grease fire? That's despite years of. Under the plan announced at the time, TruTV was slated to run just 10 minutes to 11 minutes of national commercials and promos, compared to a previous ad load of 18 minutes to 19 minutes.. Last modified on Wed 1 Jul 2020 12.26 EDT. I bet Walter Cronkite, Harry Reasoner, David Brinkly and all the REAL broadcast journalists of the previous generations are rolling in their graves and the sorry lot that runs CNN is rolling in the dough. YouTube Statistics: Localization 5 5. 15. John Hodulik, the UBS TV industry analyst who wrote the report, says its linked to decreased ratings. NIIIIIICCCCEEEEEE! But the other networks are up year to date, though Hodulik says it could change. Nothing better illustrates CNNs obsession with repetition and minutiae. The most offensive commercials of all time include: Do Major League Baseball players get a per diem? I have something similar at work. (And yes, I remember Ted Turner; Im just kinda hoping no one else does ) We do not need flag waving patriots who support the government at every turn, run only the stories their corporate owners approve of, parrot government statistics as if it was Gospel Truth, and generally fuck us in the ass against our will, while telling us to enjoy the experience. Thats it!!! Wonderfully done Stuck, I dont know how you werent bleeding from a self-inflicted head wound. Great job and confirming all my worst instincts about MSM news. According to some estimates by the marketing firm Yankelovich, we were exposed to about 500 ads per day in the 1970s. 7:58 Video that has gone viral on youtube . except for one 4 hour stint where I entered all those commercials into a spread sheet, sorted, counted, grouped, and wrote up the findings. Yet, even all those obstacles might be overcome if MSM (cable news and newspapers) would simply tell the truth. No other aspect of government is that efficient. Business Solutions including all features. Youd have thought nothing else in the world was going on other than the search for the Malaysian plane. View all posts by Stucky. Fifth, thinking about it, I realize the growing gap between the educated and uneducated people in this nation Ive occasionally mused about has already arrived. Sorry to hear about your bellyache. Prime time today has an average of 15 minutes of ads per hour. Fuckin shame, I say. The things I heard today, I cant unhear. and instead of watching what is going on in the world, he is watching (and chasing) the almighty dollar and as a result, we might have 3 minutes of news on CNN followed by nearly 6 minutes of commercials. Thank you!! Traditional TV networks show an average of 11 minutes of commercials per hour, according to a December 2018 report by . videos about a sinkhole in Baltimore, unbelievable! Oprah the whale from Chicago, Oracles Larry Ellison, and Magic Johnson are mentioned as possible buyers. The scene that takes place at St. Gods Memorial Hospital with the health care system being reduced to a combination fast food joint/casino is down and out classic for those for those who think that Obamacare is as bad as it gets just wait. In a related note, Dave Chappelle described SLJacksons method (of) acting as shouting. Service jobs are the new America. The really sad part is listening to the radio. Nothing better illustrates that CNN truly stands for Certainly Not News. - Number of Commercials: 444 (from 170 sponsors). Go bid on a two dollar liposuction, you fat slob. The guy next to me controlled the remote and whenever a commercial would come on he would leave whatever fascinating channel he had been watching in order to find a scrap of an actual program on some other channel. The statistic presents the average ad time per hour of primetime national TV on cable network groups in the United States in first quarter of 2019. Welcome to Injustice Inc., the newest thriving business of Amerika. And the conversations I heard on these stations were astonishing. To be blunt, she told me nobody at NBC had any illusions that what they did was news-it was entertainment through-and-through. Ends with speculation that a bidding war could push the price to $1 billion. Wrong. One nice thing happened. It seems that one of the two major functions of CNN and their two whore brethren is to keep the American people cowering in a constant state of fear. How many words is a 30 second TV commercial? Lebron James says get him out. maybe its just me but, the anchors thanking their reporters each and every time is really, really pissing me off. but around 8PM they did find some more heart-broken people to zoom in on their tear-soaked faces, in addition to the now-required testimony of at least one Spiritual Person thanking Jeebus for saving their lives (too fuckin bad about the 20 or so Jeebus couldnt save). The only time I actually watch and pay attention to commercials is during the Super Bowl. (b) This may be increased by a further three minutes per hour (5 per cent) devoted to CNN was the first all-news cable television channel, and . According to a Q&A on the FCC website (www.fcc.gov/guides/program-content-regulations): "Cable operators can transmit no more than 10.5 minutes of commercial matter per hour during. Everyone used to complain about it at first because TV was free, why would anyone pay for cable? CNN is only getting these ad schedules because somebody is twisting CEOs arms. Those. seconds) [Graph], Kantar, June 19, 2019. Cutting to commercials every 3-4 minutes . Whats on? their tendency to view CNN often and favorably, which we gathered from the following results, we believe CNN's overall audience is of a similar demographic. There were a total of 89 total stories. Well, this young woman was sentenced by a copfuk-loving piece of shit judge (Judge Ronald Zweibel) to a SEVEN year prison term. The cable came out. ), and that the search-area will be expanded. CNN aficionados will this year get to see a lot more of Jake Tapper, and fewer of the commercials that normally interrupt him. The resulting prices should be viewed as directional indicators. The idea of 24 hour news was discarded long ago, 24 hour music vids didnt work for MTV either. Fucking complete retards. How much rent do Man City pay for their stadium? Even then, almost ALL the news was Old News crap theyve been spewing for the previous several weeks. How many minutes of commercials are allowed per hour? They are Speculation Newz, nonstop. Network groups with the worst ratings generally attempt to manage the pressure on advertising revenues with higher ad loads. ((15 x 60 . A man started standing on a street corner, He spoke of injustice and servitude and mixed in a message of hope, Hope where freedom to be, remained at first no-one listened, and all passed by, then one day a young one stopped, then two, then three and asked the man of what he spoke. Its a first step, acknowledged Katrina Cukaj,executive vice president of portfolio sales and client partnerships for Turner Ad Sales, in an interview. How many advertisements is a person exposed to in a day in 2022? ), Oh and I know you probably know this already, but I thought this was relevant to CNN-, http://www.carlbernstein.com/magazine_cia_and_media.php, Stuck, outstanding work pointing out out the blase that passes for network news.How your brain didnt turn to mush via viewing CNN that long reamins a mystery to me?.and BTW, thanks for reminding me why I no longer subcribe to any have TVs service. P.O. Adjusting for inflation, most full time jobs pay less than they did 40 years ago. I think we all appreciate the tremendous effort that went into writing this piece, and thanks for not half-assing it. 4) Product Placement. Some, like MacGyver, can blow up an airplane with a 2oz bottle of shampoo. [Side Bar: On Fux Newz, Mike Fuckabee is positively enthralled with junta interim President Olegsandr Turchynov, an actual Fascist, because Olegsandr is a Baptist Minister. particularly to watch hour-long . Then you can access your favorite statistics via the star in the header. My parents loved to watch the political talking heads (George Will, McLaughlin group, etc.) - Number of unique stories: Basically, 5. 8. How much does a 30 second commercial cost? Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. Viacom currently airs the most commercial minutes per hour among the cable groups, at 15.1. So a 2.5 hour show should have 172.5 = 42.5 minutes of commercials. I was hoping that the article would have resulted in the elimination of CuNNt. Writing and filming a 20 minute story is far simpler than writing a 30 minute story. We know how to focus on key areas and generate the response you need, maximizing the value of your advertising dollar. THIS DAY IN HISTORY Bomb explodes in Capitol building 1971, The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, The Real Crash : America's Coming Bankruptcy, Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac (YOUR government dollars hard at work), Magic Jack (how Magic Johnson changes tires on his Bentley), Priceline (where fat ex-starship captains go), PHARMA / MEDICAL (39 advertisers .. 74 commercials), SERVICES (21 advertisers .. 60 commercials), FINANCIAL (20 advertisers .. 47 commercials), CNN (8 shows . Please create an employee account to be able to mark statistics as favorites. for what other explanation is there where Federal Prosecutors win 95% of cases they prosecute? Standard & Poor's and S . So, there should be significant pent up news on Monday. Thanks for all that effort Stucky! Has Russia Given Up on Resisting Domination by the West? Keep this fuckin post alive, baby!! I wonder how many people actually listen to this stuff? May 25, 2010 at 6:04 am . 20+ hours to watch, analyze, and write this article, and after one day its almost off the page. Google and Facebook hold the largest share of total US digital ad revenue, with 28.6% and 23.8% respectively. Is there a limit to how many commercials? Trapped like a rat I search hither and wither, for an escape. Thats it a 2 minute read on the internet. ], [Side Note #2: Speaking of annoying and insincere . Jim, thanks for reversing the charges on Mr. Blowmes account. The other ten minutes are taken up by commercials and credits. CNN basically aired a mere 5 unique stories. How much do UFC players get paid per fight? Related: . the missing plane story broke on Univision a week before CNN got hold of it. The CW memorably tried to incorporate show content into commercials years ago, and ESPN aired a live commercial during a SportsCenter broadcast last year. Upcoming: Who will buy the Clippers, Nigerian slavery. My wife could not even find the remote the other day and I do believe it is still missing. In the next hour Anderson Cooper will basically bring you the same exact shit all over again. How many minutes of commercials are allowed per hour? A 30 minute sitcom actually only has about 20 minutes of screen time. 7:33 Breaking News (No, not really you lying sacks o shit.) Please do not hesitate to contact me. Experts who study such stuff have long ago discovered that a certain statistically significant segment of the population will actually not turn the channel when commanded not to do so. 7:20 Announcement. Featured review. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. [WHAT THE FUCK NOTE!!! One twit turns on Good Morning, America, or something like it, and keeps it on in the office all morning until the soaps start. Tubi 4-6 minutes per hour and it's completely free. Kimberly McKay Author (2008-present) 4 y you know, such people who are pro-NRA or, worse, grow organic foods. Time spent watching cable news channels/visiting websites: About 38 percent watch CNN at least once daily. These days, the commercials are so thick, its like all commercials 24/7 with occasional interruptions for a few minutes of programming. Seriously heres the link to Amazon (A must read). The teleprompter reader errr, reporter will read something and then bring in their panel of so-called experts. Networks have figured out the optimal time to break for ads and they do it. Americans getting Frree Shit from the government actually outnumber full-time workers in the private sector . How many commercials does the average person watch in a year? This is in section 5 of the code. This is just terrible. Considering the first commercial did not come on until about 17 and a half minutes into the 29 minute show, that meant that 72% of the last 11 and a half minutes of the news were commercials. It offers no protection against the evils of this government because the Constitution is only as effective as those who abide by it. With the. Or, stories about Obamas dog, Obamas golf trip, Obamas adorable daughters, ad nauseam (Latin for until you fuckin puke). The skank ho story is much more important. Syndicated reruns usually have parts of the show edited out to allow for more commercials. Fux Newz is still somewhat in the picture because I like Stossel and the judge. You might very well be the next customer. May they all burn and rot in hell forever. statistic alerts) please log in with your personal account. Centuries of consumerism and way too much television have reduced the citizenry to the point of borderline retardation and the greatest advances in technology are huge multi-screened televisions that allow for multiple reality trash programs to be presented simultaneously while the viewer is ensconced on a huge plush chair sucking down goo from a tub while reveling in the delights of movies and tv shows the likes of Ass, Ow!
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