Other than that, the four tombs here present good methods for Light side Jedi to obtain prestige without Dark side alignment shifts. Canderous' many tales of derring-do during his time as a soldier in the Mandalorian Wars are quite entertaining: well-written, with a fantastic voice actor to back them up. Now that she's gone, you'll be able to access her terminal behind the desk. One important note is that it's impossible to use the terminals while you're in battle mode; use the B button to switch to normal targeting, then use the terminal. There are three different kinds of saving throws: throws for will correspond to a character's ability to resist mental intrusion and mind-affecting attacks; throws for fortitude represent a character's natural resistance to poison and physical harm; and throws for reflex test a character's ability to avoid the brunt of explosive damage by diving out of the way. If you keep his secret, you earn Light side points.). Apparently the Sith engineers don't have to hold themselves up to OSHA standards. 2 - Info Console Use this console and download a map of the . So, you respond: Even though you're responding to hypotheticals, you will take a significant Dark side shift from responding this way. The initial increases to a skill are on a one-for-one basis, but as you progress towards the upper limit of your initial attributes (during character creation, no attribute can be raised above 18), each additional point begins to cost more; purchasing a stat of 15 or 16 will each cost your character two purchase points, while the elite stats of 17 and 18 will each cost three purchase points. If T3 isn't in your party, then you'll have to keep quite a careful eye on your vitality levels and simply wait him out. Saul is guarded by two Dark Jedi and four Sith troopers scattered around the bridge. For best results, try to use this feat with a weapon that already has a critical range of 19-20; the range will be increased to 17-20, giving fully 20% of your attacks the chance to see their damage doubled if they connect. The Jedi sentinel's unique feat is probably the most useful of the three: as a sentinel increases in level, he or she will become increasingly resistant to mind-affecting attacks, such as attacks that cause fear, or stun your character. 1) Apartment C1 Your house arrest takes place in Apartment C1. Break into the computer room, take out the Sith, then quickly hack into the computer system. To the west of the armory is the base's command room, where a Benedict Arnold offers to give you information in exchange for letting him live (you can kill him after he spills his guts, if you wish, for Dark side points). He should crack after asking him about his fianc (but only if you don't threaten him or ask him about his companion), and give with the passcode to the base. Yep, shot her in the back. K-X12D Droid: Select the third of the four sequences. Czerka Mainframe 5. Doing all of the above, including downloading the mod totally fixed everything! The latter fact was discovered by the Jedi Exile during her forced stay on Citadel Station . You can try a frontal assault, if you like, but the turrets that are set up in front of the entrance are incredibly resistant to most forms of damage; good luck getting past them. Die Wartung wurde von T1-N1 bernommen. This path leads to the Dark side, obviously, but you can still choose to double-cross The One by listening to what the Elder Councilor has to say on the subject. Speak to the Judge Shelkar in the Ahto High Court to get all of the pertinent information that you'll require; you can then go on to question all of the other judges about the case to get an idea of their prejudices and opinions on the case itself. You can also sometimes get lucky and deal more damage than he has life in a very short period of time and kill him outright, but more often, you'll need to wait him out and keep your own health up. . Obstacles are bad; avoid them. After he dies, Yuthara will turn on you, and again, if you poisoned her, she'll feel it now. This is Deck 2, now; not Deck 1. Lie to her and gain access to the mainframe. Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for answers ONLY. As your character makes more decisions that involve moral or ethical concerns, you might find that your other party members begin to react to you differently, or that your character's physical appearance begins to change. (1/5), Transfer from injector to container. To check if installation has succeeded, try launching KOTOR2:TSL. You'll first need to obtain the T3-M4 droid from Janice Nall; after your conversation with Canderous, Janice will finally offer to sell it to you. Bastila will remain behind at this point if you're a Dark side character. Equip Brejiks belt if you can, to save yourself from five points of damage per blow. If you did poison him, or if you did tip off Yuthara, you'll have to face Uthar alone, which is obviously a tall order. Before you even get to take a breath of fresh air, Bastila will want you to come with her and visit the Jedi Council. Kotor 2 Czerka Mainframe Quest. Also, be sure to ask him about the Star Map. STAR WARS (R) KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC (R) II - THE SITH LORDS (TM) Version 1.0b March 30, 2005 . If you choose the Light side path, Xor will eventually return with a couple of Rodian thugs. Dispatch the guards and search the remains for a datapad that'll give you a bit of a clue regarding this base's main puzzle. It is passion that fuels the Force: true. After you run that little gauntlet, you'll pass through a few Dark Jedi defenders on your way to the elevator that takes you to Deck 2. Repetition helps you learn how to manage the fast-paced flow of a battle--hopefully these tips will do the same. She gives you a hefty 650 experience reward and has some useful items on her, so it's worth the risk. Unfortunately, even the correct launch codes won't protect you from the Sith starfighters that are intent on shooting down the Hawk, so you'll have to jump into the gunner's seat and use your quad-laser cannons to blow some Sith out of the sky. If you don't kill them, or even if you do, you can proceed further back towards the Hawk to encounter yet another crazy Sith who wants to kill people. But assuming you have made decent choices when leveling up and choose useful teammates, few fights should give you trouble. In other words, a soldier can try to be stealthy and evade a confrontation with an enemy, but will usually be better off just fighting his or her way through the encounter. When playing as B-4D4 you have the ability to threaten to kill him. For our money, the best side deck consists of three +/-2 cards, three +/-4 cards, and four +/-3 cards, although the numbers of each card doesn't matter as much as the fact that they're there: if you don't have enough +/-3's, replace those slots with other double-sided cards, not a +3 or a -3. Every character in the game has a base defense of 10, to which the aforementioned factors are added to form that character's overall defense. It can be applied when you are attacking an enemy from behind, if your target is stunned or immobilized, or if the scoundrel is in stealth mode. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/01/03/the-fixer-how-to-restore-knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/. All of these spikes are one-use-only, unfortunately, and are removed from your inventory after you add their modifier to an attempt to breach security (whether the attempt was successful or not). When you unpause the game, try to run back a ways towards the elevator to disperse the crowd. I'm gonna try that now thanks. To the east of this hallway, you'll come across one of the Sith barracks, with some lone survivors of the robot rampage hiding away inside. In sum: there is a monster shark. Darth Bandon, Malak's apprentice, will attack your party some time after you kill off Calo Nord. Anyway, the first battle pits you against three fighters from the Black Vulkars Gang. He refused because . Skills, like most everything else in the game, are based upon simulated rolls of a 20-sided die, so even a high level of proficiency in a skill won't always protect you from failure. He's been trying to make his way as a swoop racer, but has had a hard time of it, due to the fact that his swoop bike just doesn't seem to be able to compete with the big boys. Reloading is annoying, so just pick these choices and get it right the first time. There is a side-quest here involving a woman named Dia; see the Side Quests at the end of this planet's section to learn more. Go to the Swoop Registration offices in Ahto East to meet up with Vek, Ithorak's majordomo. With papers in hand, you can head further on to the northwest to reach the Undercity elevator, or you can fool around in the Lower City collecting items and experience, if you wish. Against some powerful foes, the critical range will actually exceed the range needed for a hit, meaning that 100% of your successful hits will have a chance for double damage. Your wisdom modifier, in addition to adding Force points, is also used to modify your will saving throw, which improves your chances of resisting an enemy's Force powers. No matter what you do theyll flee to Telos. Step through the door, kill the energy-shielded Vulkars, and proceed to the Vulkar base. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. You'll encounter a pool of acid, and will have to decide which grenade to throw in. The main trick here is to just suck on your first real run (the very first time you get on the track is a trial run); hit obstacles, don't accelerate, and so on. Be sure to activate speed, valor, and any other defensive powers you may have before entering the room, then divide and conquer, with Bastila and your PC ganging up on one of the Dark Jedi while the other two are on the ground. Once you're inside, there's going to be a sustained run-and-gun up a long passageway that's filled with war droids. Ithorians Under Attack! Basket Up []. After a target is dead, the game picks a new target for each character based on how far away each enemy is, so you'll probably have to re-sync their attacks after every enemy falls. (Just as a note, you may eventually be able to buy items from Mika Dorin, the bartender in the cantina in Dreshdae. As stated above, she's not too difficult to defeat. Soon youll be released from house arrest. If you find yourself completely outmatched, you may be able to use stealth to bypass the tarentateks. The single most important thing to remember is that your characters will always have a better chance of surviving a battle if you focus on one target until it's dead, then repeat the cycle with every other target. While not all feats are combat-oriented, the majority are, and your choices here will determine what weapons and armor your character can use, as well as any special attacks they can use during battle. This will at least set you up with a meeting with the Exchange boss, Slusk. Telos Mebla Dule - Cantina It can help to actually go as slow as possible for a couple of the runs, to see how the booster pads are laid out and where the obstacles are placed. Lightsabers are not balanced; you'll need to use a short lightsaber in the off-hand if you want to reduce your main-hand penalty. You'll find cards in various places throughout the game worlds, but the most reliable method of acquisition is to simply buy them. Ithorak is in the middle docking bay on Manaan's docking ring; you can attempt to get Vek to stay out of the fight if you wish, but it shouldn't be difficult either way. Once you're there, have HK-47 talk to the guard at the gate; you'll be escorted inside and given another audience with the Chieftain. For now, though, bring the blade back to Freyyr, assuming you didn't kill him earlier. In practical terms, Force jump gives the Jedi's first strike in battle a bonus to hit and to damage. The third option is to kill them both together but youll need to fight everyone at once if you choose that path. Kudos on Tatooine will usually not give you a reward, since beating him ten times in a row activates a bug in the game. If you want prestige, and a Dark side penalty, inject the Mandalorian with two small doses of truth serum, then one of the biggest doses, and only then ask him about the weapons. The exception to this rule is for NPC party members; if you're the kind of player who tends to micromanage your PC and lets the other party members act on their own, you may want to give them more of these passive skills instead of loading them up on active combat feats that require you to manually switch over to the character and queue up an action. Adding the line allowwindowedmode=1 like i say below may now longer be needed. If the player has chosen to help Samhan Dobo with his smuggling (dark side) and has completed Samhan's first two smuggling quests, B-4D4 can be used in the third one, to steal medical supplies for Dobo and will be forced to fight a TSF officer. If you absolutely cannot defeat her with just Carth, come back after you add Mission or Zaalbar to your party and bust her chops. Jolee has a rather Romeo and Juliet tale of love and loss to tease you along with after level-ups. After all of the trapped Jedi are destroyed, all you have to do is take off Malak's last health bar and you win. You can use the parts you find to repair the decommissioned droid in the corner, and use it to take out the Sith troopers that roam the hallways. 1 / 3. After he opens the door, cut him down and proceed inside. Of course, you can feel free to proceed in Knights of the Old Republic however you see fit. If you did bring it, just walk up to one of the bantha on the high plains to start it walking towards the cave. Seems there has been an update since the making of this post. If you Repair the droid, he will lead you straight to where Zaalbar is; if you don't have the required parts, just look in the nearby nest of rooms and you'll find him easily enough. You can attempt to talk him out of the whole bounty idea with a high persuasion, or simply pay the whole 200 credits that he demands. In any case, once you've dealt with the firaxan threat, you can now access the Star Map, to the east of the kolto control panel. Upon leaving the enclave, you'll run across a Republic officer recruiting a mercenary. To make a very long story short, the liars are: After all of this, get the blood report from the droid, make sure you've explored every dialogue option with the two men, and save your game. You can either have your main character walk in via solo mode, creeping carefully along the side of the pool, and retrieve the items (you'll still probably set off at least one of the mines, so have an antidote ready), or repair the nearby droid and have it self-destruct in the pool, which will eliminate the mines as well. Proceed northeast from here, into what is winkingly called the 'Guest' Room, where the Ebon Hawk's former pilot is being held in a torture cell.
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