Mike Rinder was removed in the Church in total disgrace by the Churchs ecclesiastical leader, stripped of any authority and ultimately expelled for gross malfeasanceactual, hard-facts crime. Rinder did eventually admit he was aware the entire time that missing evidence at issue in the Clearwater case was in his facility in Los Angeles. Im sure that they have been told: Its full of lies, blah blah. He didnt send them a copy. It was gouged and bleeding and pussy and infected and her shoulder was out ofyou know, it was just obviously damaged. Whats the deal Mike? And Mike Rinders response was to grab his hands so badly that he almost broke his fingerand still refused to talk to him at the same time. Rinder claimed in his blog that when he decided to exit from the S Along with Leah Remini, Rinder co-hosts the A&E documentary series Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. The process may have worked a little too well, because the book skims over his babys death in a page and a half. In return for financial support and free housing from his benefactor, Rinder agreed to lead the charge as a voice of a spurious Independents movement., Rinder plunged into his role. Mike Rinder's Daughter, Taryn, Tells of His Damage to Her Mother, Family Taryn remembers her father, Mike Rinder, as cold and uncaringtraits that went on full display when he harassed her brother and abused her mother. Former Colleagues Describe What Mike Rinder Was Like, Son Benjamin on Mike Rinders Absence during His Cancer, and Self-Serving Stunt, Former Wife Cathy Details Mike Rinders Desertion, Assault and Abuse of Family, Former Colleague Recalls How Mike Rinder Ridiculed, Belittled Others, Former Secretary Recounts Mike Rinders Verbal, Physical and Sexual Harassment, Malfeasance targeting the Churchs leader, Removed in disgrace, stripped of authority, Admitted lies and doing illegal things, Finds a living attacking the Church and its leader, Devised devious plan to extort the Church, Reinvented himself as a real Scientologist, suborned perjury and hid evidence in a police investigation. Taryn is the daughter of Mike Rinder and her mother Cathy Bernardini is Mike's ex-wife. This is also a man with a proven and admitted record of malfeasance and criminal acts. And upon approaching, well, first of all, was very evident that he didnt want to be seeing us at all. Ex-wife Cathy, Daughter Taryn Depict Mike Rinders Violence and its Aftermath, Former Wife Cathy Details Mike Rinders Desertion, Assault and Abuse of Family, Church of Scientology International. An example of this "boomerang effect" was the 1993 case Church of Scientology International v. Fishman and Geertz. As a church executive he had pursued people who tried to leave, so he knew what to expect. For nearly two years, Benjamin endured an excruciating but successful war against the cancer, including multiple disfiguring facial surgeries and reconstruction. He still sounds excited when he recalls being appointed Hubbards special watch messenger in 1978, where orders ranged from telling the cook that Hubbard wanted chicken for dinner to smelling the laundry, which had to be rinsed seven times and aired outside to ensure it was odourless. Michael John Rinder Wiki The full name of this Activist and Scientologist is Michael John Rinder. From 1982 to 2007 Rinder served on the board of directors of CSI and also held the post of executive director of its Office of Special Affairs, overseeing the corporate, legal and public relations matters of Scientology at the international level. His eldest children have published an open letter, disowning him which rather undercuts Rinders explicit aim in writing, to reach out to his children. [14], Rinder claimed his moment of clarity came in a confrontation with the filmmaker, which was recorded on video. [6][7], Rinder was born in Adelaide, Australia, to Ian and Barbara Rinder in 1955. According to Rinder, virtually all of the executives, himself included, had rejected both of the above mentioned Scientological tenets, however they nevertheless continued to train parishioners to accept them as true. Non-compliant parishioners are labelled "suppressive persons" and disconnected from by other members of the church, including family members. Because the discovery process allowed for the subpoena of church documents, it essentially allowed the church to be "raided again" and the documents that described the churches vexatious litigation policy were found. As just one example: In 2015, months before his paid partnership with Remini, Rinder proclaimed that Scientologists are good peoplereally doing something to change the world for the better. In 2017, after a year of profiting from Aftermath, Rinder borrowed a page from Goebbels to proclaim that Scientologists are like cornered rats and will ultimately be wiped out entirely because they are such menacing, antagonistic and rabid vermin.. He talks about daily life in the organisation, being disciplined in the Hole, and his hopes of reconnecting with his children. His family photos were not sent. It was not trueI wasnt honest with myself, you or anyone else, as I continued to operate on a moral code (justification) of what I could get away with.. [14] All communication with any Scientologist that "blows", or has an unauthorized departure as Rinder did, is immediately ceased. No words can take that away. Mike Rinder and other former executives tell me that Cruise's bizarre acts during 2005, with his attempt to so aggressively promote Scientology, was pure Miscavige. Mike Rinder is a bitter man who spews religious hatred about his own family's religion on a cheap reality TV show for an actress past her prime time, to make the only money he can. For Benjamins mother and sister, their estranged husband and father had crossed the line. [10], Rinder cites specific examples of this duty, saying that he personally traveled to London to prevent journalist John Sweeney, who is responsible for Scientology and Me, from attending a movie premiere and to attempt to "discredit Sweeney in any way that he could". An attempt was made to add defendants to the case, including Rinder and the Churchs leader. Rinder had been sitting on the evidence all along, saying nothing, while the Churchs leader was under an unjust onslaught. SP Bracelets for all sizes! Tragically, Rinder and Cathy lost a third baby to sudden infant death syndrome or in the words of Miscaviges wife, who broke the news, the baby dropped her body. Alex Gibney and HBO cynically repackaged admitted liar, suborner of perjury, deadbeat, wife abuser and professional bigot Mike Rinder into the poster boy for their new propaganda film. Brought to founder L. Ron Hubbard's yacht and promised training in Hubbard's most advanced techniques, Mike was . He has a post-Scientology blog. (If we do not have your size, please fill out the contact form with your size in the comments and we will consider . All Rights Reserved. The screaming was so loud, Sweeney was able to record the episode and later aired the recording on The Secrets of Scientology broadcast by the BBC's Panorama program. The reports of Scientology extracting large fees and their space opera beliefs were controversial, but their portrayal didn't become consistently negative until ex-Scientologists started sharing their stories through social media about families intentionally being broken up by disconnection because a family member decided to leave (or wasn't a member of) the church of Scientology. I mean, there is a very limited number of people on this Earth that have ever done that, he says of the position. Since Scientologists are not permitted to have social relationships with non-Scientologists, they essentially lose contact with all their social contacts when they leave. Rinder left Scientology in 2007. Any Scientologist that doesn't disconnect from someone that leaves will be declared a suppressive person and expelled as well. In the end, months and even years after Rinder and Remini propagated the false reports, police closed all cases. Rinder was back to working different jobs when, in late 2015, he was offered another lottery ticketthis time to take part in Leah Reminis anti-Scientology Aftermath program. Its a permanent disability that will always be there with her, Cathys orthopedic surgeon concluded after nearly five years of treatment, including surgery. It was reinstated because they abandoned fair game against the IRS after Hubbard's death and instead adhered to the IRS's policy for obtaining tax exempt status. was ian petrella in back to the future. And we went down to Florida to see Mike. [16], Since then, Rinder has given numerous interviews to journalists and participated in several documentaries about Scientology. According to Rinder, this is where the term "suppressive person" originated from. [14], He stated the rise of social media in the late 2000s has allowed ex-Scientologists to connect with each other and form support groups for members who have left or want to leave. [19] He further published a memoir in September 2022 named A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology. Dorian Geiger. His --Mike Rinder, former Senior Executive of the Church of Scientology and the Sea Organization, joins David to discuss his time in the leadership organization . Overnight, he became one of the organization's biggest public enemies. The church of Scientology sees the book as a self-aggrandizing memoir and a compendium of gross exaggerations and provable lies. While the extent of Mike Rinders dishonesty and deception were yet to surface, the known facts to date were undeniable: Mike Rinder and his lies had only made everything to do with this legal matter far worse for the Church, which had done nothing wrong, and caused the Churchs leader to be not only sued but wrongly targeted for criminal conduct. [14], After leaving Scientology in 2007, Rinder and his first wife, Cathy, divorced after 35 years, and he has had no contact with her or his two adult children from his first marriage because of disconnection. He ultimately posted the incriminating document online in October 2020, revealing that Rinder had sent it to him by mail for fear that talking about it on the phone or creating a digital record through e-mail might create evidence of criminally punishable extortion., Rinder had squarely become what he had described in testimony when he was in the Church: one of a few who are bitter and harbor an unabiding [sic] resentment of Scientology and what it stands for and for their own failures in the Church. That goal also required they go all out in a far-fetched attempt to tear down the genuine Church and its leader. [27] The approximately seven million dollars the church spent attempting to discredit the article had the opposite effect of drawing more attention to the case as well. One such victimwho reported a ludicrous, Pizzagate-inspired conspiracy of police and the Church using underground tunnels to collude in human traffickingtold police that he had to file his report in order to be on the TV show. [10], Rinder stated that the policy of "routing out", or authorized departure, is a sham. That is how he broke up our marriage of over 30 yearsis an email to somebody else, Cathy said, adding that Mike Rinder never once asked about their children. Second of all, my mom approached him first and she was definitely, like, on to him about doing this to her son, and I understand. Resistance Bands Fitness Workouts. Rinders stated intention was to extort the Church into purchasing the building at an exorbitant price if it wanted to be at peace. Initially, auditing was meant to be a form of counseling (for which members pay over $500 per hour) to obtain the spiritual benefits of Scientology but by the time of his departure, he stated the practice had degenerated into a tool for interrogation and mind control. backlog intangible asset; west metro fire union contract. A book for an audience of two, he calls it. Two days later, he flew back to Florida, and made contact with other former Scientologists who helped him slowly begin his new life. And he goes, Whoa. Mark Rathbun later revealed that he, Rathbun, had orchestrated the entire stunt for exactly what it was: an attempt for Rinder to save his own face. And that by dismantling the organisation around them they may wake up or see something that they havent been able to see when they are in such a controlled environment., Whether youre in a cult or a bad relationship, or a job you hate, you can always change your life, he says. Rinder with his second wife, Christie Collbran. Without new Scientologists entering the organization, the church became increasingly dependent on retaining the followers they already had. Rinder had lived in church quarters, took meals in its military-style canteen, and worked for at least 14 hours a day, seven days a week for a stipend of $50 a week. Ive seen her injuries. his wife and two children, whom he deserted. The real Mike Rinder is a former external affairs staffer whose malfeasance, as touched upon previously in this letter, caused the Church numerous problems that took years and millions of dollars to correct. Although silences and omissions are understandable, given the limits of his life at the time, the book doesnt really offer a more nuanced perspective on these losses and estrangements given the distance, and I wonder whether Rinder is still in the process of freeing himself. Rinder in April 2010 Born 1955 Australia Residence Tarpon Springs, Florida I havent been considering myself to be a Scientologist for ten years, he now asserted. You can always change your life Mike Rinder. And Im going, Mom, what happened?. It would be very difficult. After high school, he signed a billion-year contract and was admitted into Scientology's elite inner circle, the Sea Organization. 2005 chevrolet cavalier problems; northern arizona healthcare Rinder blatantly called it his devious plan: He and two accomplices would covertly acquire a building next to the Churchs spiritual headquarters in Clearwater, Florida. In accordance with the churchs beliefs, Rinder responded by sitting with an auditor (a Scientologist charged with emotion-checking another) to run out the loss. In fact, Rinder and a co-conspirator, Mark Marty Rathbun, were the ones who had put it there. The first time in 1966 and then again in 1969. And we didnt matter to him. The case stemmed from an accidental tragedy in December 1995 that took the life of a psychotic woman who had been staying on Church premises in Clearwater, Florida. Written and published 25 May 2010. Shes in pain every single day of her life and that was done by Mike Rinderhands down, okay. However, unlike CAN, the Time Warner Corporation had the resources to defend itself and the documents from the FBI raid to justify their claims. Mike is regularly sought out by media to share his insight, he writes a daily blog, hosts the Fair Game podcast and has now . Lawsuits against individual critics did continue but clever defendants began using the process of discovery to circumvent Scientology's copyright infringement claims by deliberately introducing secret church documents into evidence, making them part of the public record and thus viewable by anyone. How did he begin to acknowledge transgressive thoughts, given that he had been trained to understand them as signs of a reactive mind, as something to be eradicated? It was part of the culture. Rinder publicly declared his adherence to Scientology, refuting any notion that he had ever renounced his religion. Rinder regrets his role in that investigation and has stated he considered Minton a friend at the time of Minton's death in January 2010. Not even remotely., In some ways, the book is Rinders attempt to parent Taryn and Benjamin, too; a chance to hold his side of that conversation at least. Some of the details are eye-watering, but what Rinder, 67, really hopes is that A Billion Years: My Escape from a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology will act as a rescue operation for his two adult children who remain in the church. They would then announce the property as the future home of the International Association of Independent Scientologists, revealing its true purpose to serve as a vehicle for Church antagonists to harass the Church and its leadership. Blood is on her pants, its on the ground. TRANSCRIPT: As the daughter of Mike Rinder, I felt like I didn't have a father. And we, you know, we grabbed some of our friends and associates that had worked with Mike for thirty, forty yearssome of them Ive known since I was a kidand that I would consider our close friends and some even family. After all, he was sufficiently immersed to be convinced of an origin story that involves Xenu, the head of the Galactic Confederacy, shipping humans to Earth, sticking them in volcanoes and dropping bombs on them. Not until the Time magazine article, "The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power," and the litigation that followed did that end. And when I did, I put so much effort into and, like, put out a lot towards him with no return, ever. Its a place Id been to mostly on my own, he says. Other punishments for perceived unhandled evil intentions or for perceived alleged failings at work ranged from cleaning a sewage retention pit to wearing a mask made from a paper plate and being taunted by a ventriloquists doll built in his own image.
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