Is Your Call to Action Still Valuable to Your Target Market?

Is Your Call to Action Still Valuable to Your Target Market?

When testing and analyzing digital marketing data, the focus is often on the content or creative elements.  While these elements certainly factor into digital marketing success, it’s important not to overlook the foundational elements that the content and creative is built on.  This is especially important in reviewing the target audience and calls to action that have been effective but no longer convert well. Many trainers, consultants, and professional coaches settle on a call to action that they are comfortable with or have experienced past success.  The problem arises when this call to action becomes a monotonous staple that the audience no longer values.

Can there be too much of a good thing?  In digital marketing there certainly can.  If an offer is repeated too frequently, even a great offer, it begins to be ignored or become valueless.

A common offer for trainers, consultants, or professional coaches is an event or webinar.  Often the presenter invests a fair amount of time polishing the presentation so that it is engaging and dynamic.  This creates a valuable call to action that is often well received and well attended.  Since the investment in honing the event’s content is already made there is a temptation to repeat the offer.  And in doses, clever timing, or effective marketing communication, it is often just as well received for subsequent events.

However, there is only so many ways to frame or package the same product. The target audience becomes exhausted with the offer and perpetually procrastinate in attending or become dubious about the value.  It’s a similar effect to perpetual sale ads at a store where people believe it’s not actually a discount or that they will get the same sale next week.

Luckily, refreshing an offer doesn’t need to be a complete overhaul. There are two ways to freshen up a call to action.

  • Revamp It – It’s a smart move to get every drop of value out of the investment in creating a call to action. An event can be modified to target a specific group or updated with related topics so that the proven content lays the groundwork but complimentary content redefines it. In this way the call to action goes through an evolution process that keeps it relevant.
  • Pull it from Rotation – Digital marketing campaigns should have a series of calls to action that appeal to different target audiences. If a call to action has been overused or no longer converts well then it can be removed for a period of time.  This doesn’t mean that it’s archived forever but rather let the audience have some recovery time before making it an active offer again. Often the call to action will be reinvigorated as it’s re-introduced to the audience.

If a call to action stops converting well its worth evaluating whether it’s still a valued offer.  Rather than retooling the content or creative that communicates the offer, it might be time to change or temporarily retire the call to action.

Image courtesy of  imagerymajestic /

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