Content that Says Nothing.
Most trainers, consultants, and professional coaches agree that their content is the real value that drives their marketing campaigns. After all, their knowledge is what they are selling, so content is really just a product teaser for the whole business. Unfortunately due to writer’s block, complacency, or self-delusion, the content created for marketing can be poorly constructed resulting in communications with little value.
Earlier this year we wrote about some guidelines for constructing good content but the last section of engaging content that can be a challenging judgment call. After all no one intends to write, shoot, post bad content . . . but it happens all the same.
Here is a recent example of an email tactic sent by a business consultant:
“Don’t fall in love with the product or service you sell because people won’t pay what you think its worth. They’ll only pay for the value they see.”
I think the intended message was:
“Gut check your product or service to stay objective about the value. In that way you’ll come to a level playing field with those interested in what you are offering which will make for more productive conversations. “
But that’s my interpretation and giving the benefit of the doubt to a newsletter that has had valuable information in the past.
Boiled down it says, “People only pay for the value they perceive.” While the content is true, it’s obvious to the point of cliché. It’s the equivalent of a digital marketer saying “Content is king” as a tactic. It should have been the intro to a real insight, not the climax of the email.
In the spirit of the tactic I received, don’t fall in love with the content you create. Always make sure that what you are delivering is something worth your audience’s time. Sure, you’ll get a few free passes on content that’s not as hard hitting as some of your best insights but it’s best not to rely on your audience forgiving you because they’ve gotten value in the past.
After creating content spend some time away from it and then see how you feel about it later. Better yet have a trusted colleague review your content to provide criticism or enhancements. Getting some separation or outside feedback helps keep an objective viewpoint on whether your content is really worth your audience’s time.