Month: October 2007

SEO Copying Pitfall #6: Are You Copying the Right Things

The last and most important reason why copying competitors websites can be a problem is when the copier doesn’t know what to look for.  If a student copies answers on a test they need to know which answers go to which questions or they’ll get a failing grade.  The same is true on SEO copying.

SEO Copying Pitfall #3: Hurts Site Functionality

More traffic to your site is a good thing.  More traffic to a broken site, is not a good thing.  It’s like better and better advertising that let’s people know you’re not on the ball and unprofessional.  That’s what a broken site is, lazy and unprofessional.  So how can SEO harm functionality?  It’s not uncommon

SEO Copying Pitfall #2: Taking It Beyond SEO Copying

Just like with school students, plagiarism reflects badly on a company.  Taking some title tags, keywords, or meta descriptions isn’t going to be noticed by the user, copying a competitor’s site and just changing the name, logo, and photos will.  A common pitfall people make when copying SEO is they don’t know where to draw the line.