Month: December 2009

Email Marketing Tactics #7: Provide Next Steps

Every email in an email marketing campaign should provide a next step for recipients to engage the company.  There should be between one and three options for a next step. If an email is informational or content driven it might have several possible ways for a recipient to interact.  Some common next steps might be

Email Marketing Tactics #6: Track and Measure

Tracking and measuring is an often overlooked piece of email marketing.  Everyone likes to talk about the data that is available through email marketing but few people actually use the information to improve their email campaigns.  Track and measure your email campaigns success to optimize it for maximum returns. The first step in tracking and

Email Marketing Tactic #5: Contacts

An email marketing campaign is only as good as the list it’s sent to.  Of course Tactic #4 covers getting names responsibly but maintaining contacts must also be actively managed.  After all, just because a person subscribes to the list doesn’t mean they are agreeing to receive it forever.  Maintenance efforts are necessary to ensure