Month: November 2010

Email Subject Lines – Be Direct

Jakob Nielson wrote a great article on email usability.  There is a lot of good points but I wanted to focus on his section about subject lines.  As a rule of thumb, if you have doubts on what the subject line should be . . . be direct. There is a great example in the

Email Marketing: What’s in it for . . . Them?

As a broad guideline, at least 50% of your email communications should have a clear benefit for your recipients.  A higher percentage is fine, a lower percentage will often result in list fatigue and opt outs. This seems like a simple equation but it gets complicated when email marketers confuse what benefits them and what

Know Where Your Online Marketing Spikes Are Coming From

In analyzing online marketing  results people make two broad-sweeping common mistakes Blaming poor performance on outside factors Take credit for positive performance without verifying the conclusion. If only these assumptions were true in reality, we’d have nothing to worry about.  We’d cause only good and any negative outcomes couldn’t be helped.  Of course, that’s not