Author: Eric Roedersheimer

When Digital Marketing Dogs Technology

Technology that doesn’t work can be very frustrating. However, some digital marketers have let their frustration boil over into a prejudice. If technology does not work in exactly the way they envision, they bemoan inconveniences or small inefficiencies as if it’s a critical error. Setting up marketing systems for a website, social media, list management,

How Valuable is A Keyword to You?

In asking trainers, consultants, and professional coaches what their keyword focus is, the answer is typically something general like “Sales Training”. There are two problems with this general objective. The first is that such a simple term will be very hard to rank highly because the competition will be intense and it will take a

Calls to Action – Under-Promise and Over-Deliver

In an effort to entice target audiences, the value of a call to action can get inflated. This often causes two problems. It erodes future credibility and can make transitioning a lead to the sales process difficult or contentious. It’s best to be realistic with calls to action and to error on the side of

Beware Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tricks

It’s not uncommon for a trainer, consultant, or professional coach to ask for their site to be updated with SEO “tricks”. The problem is that “trick” usually means “shortcut”. SEO is not a one shot project. Good SEO requires ongoing content generation, appropriate on-site structure, and responsible off-site linking and promotion. In short, there’s no

Is Your Style Conducive to Digital Marketing?

Putting personality into blog articles, email campaigns, or social media posts can be a unique and engaging way to approach your target markets. But if not done tactfully, it can also be alienating to the group you hope to interact with. Trainers, consultants, and professional coaches often have magnetic personalities that serve them well in

Trainers, Consultants, and Professional Coaches – Be an Exceptional Content Marketer

Most trainers, consultants, and professional coaches have an unfair advantage with their internet and email marketing. The advantage is that their core product, knowledge, lends itself perfectly for powerful content marketing. However this advantage is often squandered with poorly constructed messages, uncompelling overview information, or a lack of actionable information for fear of “giving away

Some of Your Social Media Content Needs to be Original

Social media profiles can and should be an extension of a business, firm, or individuals personality. This is especially true for trainers, consultants, and professional coaches who are the product and the face of their organization. While using social media to highlight valuable material or support a complimentary viewpoint serves as a valuable single source

When Automation Hinders Productivity

There are three ways a business can differentiate themselves: being better, faster, or cheaper. We often focus on fast because client needs don’t always allow for a lot of advance notice and because internet marketing tends to move at a quick pace. This is especially true in working with trainers, consultants, and professional coaches who

Email Marketing: Repeat Your Call to Action

Your audience is unlikely to read your marketing emails as closely as you do so it’s possible for them to overlook certain parts of your email. For that reason, it’s typically a good idea to repeat the most important part of your message, the call to action. Repetition in a slightly different way avoids monotony

If Common Sense Contradicts Data, Use Common Sense

Email, web, and social media data is a great way to objectively view results.  However, careful analysis is often necessary to accurately gauge what the data means. So where does that leave you when the data doesn’t make sense?  If you find that your metrics defy common sense check to make sure that your analytics