Author: Eric Roedersheimer

Is Your Email Mobile Ready or Simplistic?

Mobile ready email layouts are becoming more and more relevant as greater numbers of people check email on phones and tablets. But mobile ready should not be an excuse for overly simplistic layouts or sacrificing lead generation elements. We recently spoke with a sales trainer about his email campaign. We asked him to provide us

The December Slump

The end of the year can be a challenging one for Business to Business marketing. Vacations and time off are paired with consumer marketing’s most aggressive push. The result is fewer people that often have less attention for B-to-B related communications. Don’t let a December slump side-track your marketing efforts, rather plan for it to

Useful Marketing Surveys

If a survey is leveraged as a marketing tool, what makes the survey useful? In short, quantifiable data that can be used to glean insightful deductions. Many trainers, consultants, or professional coaches that decide to do a survey spend little time thinking through how they will compile and leverage the responses. All too often, a

Surveys as a Marketing Tool

Surveys have many potential uses and are easier to implement than ever. But, it’s important to use them wisely so you don’t waste your time and resources or frustrate your customers with unnecessary questions. To create effective online marketing, surveys are most useful for evaluating campaigns or using the feedback to create statistics for content.

Disciplined Early Registration Discounts

Using events to engage your audience can be a powerful call to action. However, events require much more logistic planning and the number of attendees largely dictates how an event should be structured. So how can you efficiently plan for an event if you don’t know the demand beforehand? If there is a fee for

Identify and Investigate Target Market Channels

Do you know your target market? When asked that question most trainers, consultants, and professional coaches can paint a fairly clear picture of what a target client looks like. When asked how they market to that target audience a list of marketing channels or media follows. But is the target market using those channels or

Gather Client Testimonials

Getting testimonials is not a groundbreaking marketing suggestion. However, many trainers, consultants, and professional coaches don’t consistently generate testimonials from their satisfied customers. Here are several ways to make gathering testimonials part of business as usual. Use Client Emails One of our best clients at generating testimonials has at least two every month. How does

Reusing Articles For Marketing

Article and content reuse can be a valuable way to save time in producing the quality content that drives productive online marketing. It can also be a crutch that leads to repetition, disinterest, and obsolescence. It’s rare that I encounter a trainer, consultant, or professional coach that isn’t strapped for time. Any strategy for decreasing

Be Balanced in Replies to Online Reviews

With tools like Google Reviews and Yelp there is no shortage of communication channels online for people to provide reviews on your product or service. Many trainers, consultants, and professional coaches tend to ignore these comments and review. It’s just not something they monitor as part of their online presence. While that isn’t necessarily damaging,

Don’t Oversimplify Web Metrics

When viewing web metrics, many consultants, trainers, and professional coaches want to boil things down to good and bad. High counts of visitors are good, low are bad. Low bounce rates are good, high is bad. While some of these principles can serve as guidelines, page or user context is critical in analyzing how to