Author: Eric Roedersheimer

Inauthentic Email Marketing Personalization

A lot of aspects of email marketing get lumped into good and bad categories.  One such aspect is personalization.  The more personalized the better.  In some ways that is true.  If you can cater content to a particular audience to ensure relevancy then personalization is good.  However many trainers, consultants, and professional coaches don’t have

Is Your Marketing Problem . . . a Marketing Problem?

Marketing is often a “fun” business topic.  It’s surrounded by new opportunities and getting a company’s name into the market.  Sometimes trainers, consultants, and professional coaches let that zeal taint how they perceive business issues.  Their desire to work on marketing makes all problems look like marketing problems. In discussing calls to action with a

Focus on the Marketing Elements That Convert

I was part of a strategizing meeting for a new online marketing initiative years ago.  The owner of the company who was looking to start the new campaign interrupted the project manager on seeing a sample landing page layout and said “I’m not sure about that shade of blue in the background.”  The blue in

The Industry Average Myth

There is a lot of “common knowledge” that floats around about what’s good for a particular metric and what’s bad for a particular metric. While these numbers can serve as a guideline they are likely a poor benchmark. Make sure that an industry average actually applies to your industry. As an example 10% is often

Just Do My Social Media

A lot of times potential clients will tell us, “We want you to do our social media for us.”  When we ask what they mean by that it usually boils down to, “I don’t want any involvement, I want you to post and manage everything for me.”  While many things on social media like company

Time to Promote an Event

Events can be a powerful call to action.  They can also be a source of stress as a marketing tool because it can really put a firm’s reputation on the line.  The embarrassment at having only two people show up for an event is tangible and gives a poor first impression to the limited audience

Call to Action: Easy to Purchase Product/Service

A lower cost item can serve as a bridge between marketing and sales as it makes the initial sale easier. This is especially true for trainers, consultants, and professional coaches who typically have services that cost tens of thousands of dollars.  Finding a lower cost introductory product or service can highlight expertise and pave the

Call to Action: Contest

A contest can be an easy call to action that generates initial interest or greater involvement. For instance a social media contest to increase likes or comments can introduce or prompt users to visit the social page regularly.  It could also be leveraged to cross channels, like social media connections entered to win an item

Call to Action: Whitepaper/Report Downloads

Whitepapers or reports are the call to action that every consultant, trainer, or professional coach can offer.  If you don’t already have one, it’s typically not a large undertaking to create one using curriculum or existing materials on the subject of expertise. The beauty of whitepaper/reports is the ease of use.  This ease extends to