Author: Eric Roedersheimer

Personality Can be Appealing in Your Online Marketing

A level of professionalism in your online marketing’s writing or media is essential.  However, overdoing “professionalism” can make online marketing less effective by making a trainer, professional coach, or consultant overly generic. I was recently working on an email campaign that included video tactics that a trainer had made.  This trainer was a dynamic personality

Don’t Ignore Your Email Marketing Database

Do you have a list maintenance plan for your email marketing database?  There is a temptation that once an email marketing list is built to forget about it.  The only attention it receives is sporadic additions. Don’t neglect database maintenance as a clean list makes campaigns more effective and can save money I was recently

Business to Business (B to B) Social Media

There tends to be two extremes to opinions on social media in the business to business marketing world. The one extreme is that it’s the same as any other business.  Put in the effort and you’ll see the same result as any other business. The other extreme is that it’s not a good medium for

SEO Success Through Market Segmentation

Many consultants, trainers, and professional coaches come to search engine optimizing with overly grandiose expectations without the proper foundation.  When asked what their primary target keywords should be they’ll say something like, “sales training”.  While that’s a great keyword, it’s unlikely, at least in the short term, that the site will rank highly on that

Are Your SEO Strategies Causing User Problems?

There are a lot of ways of manipulating your webpage’s code to improve search engine ranks.  While we want to use all the tools in our arsenal, they shouldn’t be abused.  Make sure that your SEO tactics aren’t causing user experience problems. If you have a web template specifically set up with SEO in mind

Social Media and Email Marketing: Your Movie Trailer

I love movie trailers.  I will seek out the trailer for movies I am interested in and take in about any trailer that comes across my path.  I will actually get irritated if I am not in my seat at a theater when the trailers start.  But why seek out or get irritated about missing

Social Media: Quality Over Quantity

Are you abusing your social profiles? A lot of trainers, consultants, and professional coaches don’t think they are but on analysis their profiles contain very little quality information.  Rather it’s a long series of hastily crafted messages or reused content with little or no value add. Social media marketing isn’t about finding and posting anything

Is your Value Add Content . . . Valuable?

A content based email or online marketing campaign relies on providing valuable insights to keep the audience engaged.  No insightful content, no audience.  In principle most trainers, consultants, and professional coaches agree.  In practice however, it’s a difficult practice for many to adhere to.  While the goal of online and email marketing is to drive

Text Formatting Issues? Try Notepad.

I get a question frequently when clients are updating text in web or email templates, “Why does the text look weird?”  Nine times out of ten, the problem can be solved by copying the text into notepad or simple text editor and then pasting it into the web/email template. Copying directly from Word or another