Category: Email Marketing

Confusing Technical Prowess With Good Internet Marketing

I’m always cautious when I start working with a person that “knows technology”.  There tends to be a belief that understanding technology automatically translates into expert email/online marketing.  These intiatives typically end up being on what call “the bleeding edge”.  Just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean you should.  As a rule

Email Marketing is for the Long-Term

With the economy sagging many people are looking to email/online marketing as a way to open new opportunities for them or their companies.  Of course, that’s something I love to hear!  However, in the case of email marketing I’m noticing a disturbing trend.  I’m calling it “The Down Economy Panic”.  People who have lost some clients

Deciding on an Email Service

There are many email services that allow you to import your lists, layout emails, send, and run reports.  People often ask what service to use.  I’ll refrain from giving out company names because my answer is often different depending on client needs. These services always charge in one of two ways.  It’s either a fee

Temper Fears and Overreaction During an Email Marketing Campaign

If you are running an email marketing campaign you will get an angry email or spam report every so often.  It’s unavoidable.  Even the best campaigns with the most stringent regulations on avoiding being identified as SPAM get them.  Don’t take the messages personally, it’s not an attack on you as a person.  If you’re

Getting Started With Email Marketing

A common question I receive is how do I get started with email marketing.  Here’s why I love that question (and it’s not because of the obvious answer of me shouting “Hire Me!”).  I like the questions because it is being asked.  So many individuals or organizations never really consider the question.  Here’s some ideas

Patience is Required For Effective Email Marketing

The immediacy in email marketing is a blessing and a curse.  The blessing is how quickly and relatively easily communications can be delivered.  The curse is also how quickly and relatively easily communications can be delivered.  Why?  It means that there is always a temptation to “do it now!”  Any business or marketing panic can

Excuse #4 For Not Doing Email Marketing: It’s just SPAM

This is the one excuse that can be legitimate.  However, that’s entirely up to the creator of the email campaign.  Many people have been turned off by email due to its abuse by unscrupulous organizations and people.  That doesn’t mean there isn’t a positive way to do it. The problem with the term SPAM is