Category: Email Marketing

B-to-B Digital Marketing: Setting a Budget

Digital marketing is a business development activity which means it should directly or indirectly generate revenue. For trainers, consultants, and professional coaches that sell their services to other businesses, the contribution typically comes in the form of leads. Since marketing’s goal is to generate revenue the budget should not be set higher than a reasonable

A Mistake in My Email Marketing Send . . . Now What?

Email marketing presents a unique challenge from other digital marketing platforms in that it has a single definitive send. Once it’s sent, there’s not a reliable way of retracting the communication. So unlike your website, digital ads, or social media posts, mistakes can’t be overwirtten live at the source. So when mistakes are not caught

Digital Marketing Biases

Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Trainers, consultants, and professional coaches should take that quote to heart when analyzing their digital marketing campaigns. Our biases about digital marketing are often what prevent us from objectively considering new

Personalized Text Emails for Digital Marketing

The discussion over HTML emails vs. text emails has gone on for some time and continues to be debated. Our general thought is to let your audience decide which format they prefer. However there is a situation where text messages clearly outperform. Personalized email messages, with a very targeted offer, and sent from a particular

Consolidating Marketing Emails

Most trainers, consultants, and professional coaches have a lot of good ideas, strategies, and tactics that they are eager to share with their target audiences. Sometimes that eagerness boils over to form an overloaded and cluttered email marketing newsletter. Typically, it’s best to simplify an email campaign so that each email has a single topic

Is Your Digital Marketing Burned-Out or Bored-Out?

In a recent conversation with a client that offers sales training and consulting, the owner said, “We’re burned out. Everything seems the same. We start putting together content and inevitably we end up writing a similar article every time.” It’s not uncommon for trainers, consultants, or professional coaches to fall into a rut because they