Category: Search Engine Optimization

Review your Digital Marketing for Outdated Information

A company’s digital marketing assets can grow to a sizeable number of properties that are easy to lose track of.  That’s especially true for assets that are rarely used. It’s important to keep a list of your active digital marketing assets and review them periodically for content updates and administrative access. Digital marketing assets that

Set Your Digital Marketing Priorities

Getting spread too thin is a common way for digital marketing performance to plummet.  For most trainers, consultant, and professional coaches, it’s unrealistic to have a marketing presence in all channels for all people. It’s critical that digital marketers set a marketing priority hierarchy so that top producing activities aren’t left undone. The width (and

Digital Advertising: Know Your Goal

Paid advertising via social media or search engines can be a valuable channel for your digital marketing initiatives.  But the nature of paid adds is that it requires a defined budget and for that budget to be actively managed to optimize the return on investment.  It’s critically important to have a clearly defined goal for

Where Does Your Business Digital Footprint Lead?

The last post was on the importance of keeping your website well maintained. Once a repeatable schedule is set for maintaining the website, it should be expanded to maintaining your company’s digital footprint. A business digital footprint is all the content that you place on the internet about your company.  It’s referred to as a

Making a Good Digital First Impression

Our last post prompted an obvious question from a few readers, “So what makes a good digital first impression?” It’s a good question as external factors dictate how you can present yourself. From a technical perspective there are three areas that drive most previews.   The page title serves as the primary text, the URL is

What’s Your Digital First Impression?

You only get one chance to make a first impression and your business is no different.  Most trainers, consultants, and professional coaches view that as a strategic advantage because they look and sound polished.  They know how to make a positive first impression and project a perception of professionalism on the business.  But are they

Keep Your Digital Marketing Up to Date with Technology

Digital marketing is a unique blend of communication and technology.  Both aspects need to work in tandem for effective campaigns.  While communication platforms change, the basics for communication, video, text, interaction, and design remain fairly static.  Technology on the other hand . . . changes rapidly. Don’t allow your digital marketing to be undermined by

Anticipate the Summer Slow Down

Acknowledging headwinds is the first step to overcoming them.  Most trainers, consultants and professional coaches experience a slowdown in their digital marketing over the summer months. Anticipating and preparing for that three month lull is critical to ensure that you meet your marketing targets. Hope is not a strategy.  Almost every training and consulting market

Checklist Mindset in Digital Marketing

I am a checklist junkie.  I create monthly task calendars that I break down into weekly checklists and then create daily journal entries for what needs accomplished. For me it’s natural to want to do a task, complete it, and then check it off the list.  While valuable in task completion, a checklist mindset can

Digital Marketing: Is Doing Nothing an Option?

Getting started with digital marketing is often the hardest step to take.  We speak with many trainers, consultants, and professional coaches that know they need to do something but there’s always one more thing to square away before launching their digital marketing plan.  There will always be one extra element that could make digital marketing