Category: Search Engine Optimization

Digital Marketing Goals: Projects for Improvement or Business as Usual

As the year closes out, digital marketing goals should be set for the following year. This can be especially true in digital marketing because campaigns can be repetitive and trainers, consultants, and professional coaches might allow that to lull them into complacency. This can cause swift declines in results due to the digital marketing environment

Mismatched Digital Marketing Metrics

Comparing disparate data doesn’t provide a lot of valuable insight. However, this sometimes happens when trainers, consultants, or professional coaches try to rush the numbers to get trend data. Here’s a common example we might run into. An industry standard of a metric, like search engine hits to a website, is used as a comparison

How Valuable is A Keyword to You?

In asking trainers, consultants, and professional coaches what their keyword focus is, the answer is typically something general like “Sales Training”. There are two problems with this general objective. The first is that such a simple term will be very hard to rank highly because the competition will be intense and it will take a

Beware Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tricks

It’s not uncommon for a trainer, consultant, or professional coach to ask for their site to be updated with SEO “tricks”. The problem is that “trick” usually means “shortcut”. SEO is not a one shot project. Good SEO requires ongoing content generation, appropriate on-site structure, and responsible off-site linking and promotion. In short, there’s no

Reusing Articles For Marketing

Article and content reuse can be a valuable way to save time in producing the quality content that drives productive online marketing. It can also be a crutch that leads to repetition, disinterest, and obsolescence. It’s rare that I encounter a trainer, consultant, or professional coach that isn’t strapped for time. Any strategy for decreasing

Don’t Oversimplify Web Metrics

When viewing web metrics, many consultants, trainers, and professional coaches want to boil things down to good and bad. High counts of visitors are good, low are bad. Low bounce rates are good, high is bad. While some of these principles can serve as guidelines, page or user context is critical in analyzing how to

SEO Without Analytics is Like Driving Blind

Suppose someone asked you to drive from your home to the nearest grocery store. It would be a strange request but easily fulfilled. Now suppose they wanted you to be blindfolded for the trip. That’s an impossible task and the assumption would be that the requester was crazy. Even if the store was close and

Gradual Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has transitioned from a quick hit process to a more gradual improvement process.  While consistent updates have long been the mantra of good SEO specialists, it’s now become a necessity.  Many of the on page tricks or directory link blitzes of the past for immediate improvement have much less impact than

Are You Excited That You Are Boosting Your Own Web Analytics

There is one person who will repetitively visit your website, you.  When consultants, trainers, or professional coaches decide to make online marketing a priority, they often begin checking in on the site to see changes or to inspire ideas.  While that level of engagement is great, it can cause false results on the analytic reports.