Category: Site Conversion

Usability Fanatacism

Too much of a good thing will inevitably corrupt it.  Usability is important but can be taken to an unsustainable extreme. We ran into an issue recently where an email tested fine across browsers and platforms.  One of the test users printed it and found that there was some odd spacing at the bottom.  So

The Personal Perspective Bias

When judging your website you tend to be on one extreme or the other. Either everything seems a little better than it is or a little worse than it is. It’s important to make value judgments on your website from the metrics or user testing rather than personal opinions or experience. A client called us

The Industry Average Myth

There is a lot of “common knowledge” that floats around about what’s good for a particular metric and what’s bad for a particular metric. While these numbers can serve as a guideline they are likely a poor benchmark. Make sure that an industry average actually applies to your industry. As an example 10% is often

Call to Action: Easy to Purchase Product/Service

A lower cost item can serve as a bridge between marketing and sales as it makes the initial sale easier. This is especially true for trainers, consultants, and professional coaches who typically have services that cost tens of thousands of dollars.  Finding a lower cost introductory product or service can highlight expertise and pave the

Call to Action: Contest

A contest can be an easy call to action that generates initial interest or greater involvement. For instance a social media contest to increase likes or comments can introduce or prompt users to visit the social page regularly.  It could also be leveraged to cross channels, like social media connections entered to win an item

Call to Action: Whitepaper/Report Downloads

Whitepapers or reports are the call to action that every consultant, trainer, or professional coach can offer.  If you don’t already have one, it’s typically not a large undertaking to create one using curriculum or existing materials on the subject of expertise. The beauty of whitepaper/reports is the ease of use.  This ease extends to

Call to Action: Events

Events can be a powerful first step for most trainers, consultants, and professional coaches.  They literally put trainers, consultants, and professionals coaches on the podium to illustrate what they do and how they help clients. Events can serve as a great call to action.  Dedicated invitations can be created and delivered via email or postal

Call to Action for Trainers, Consultants, and Professional Coaches

Every online marketing campaign should have clear calls to action.  But commonly trainers, consultants, and professional coaches will say, “I’m not sure I have a good call to action.”  That’s a big problem, it’s like giving people directions without picking a destination.  You’ll get somewhere but probably not strategically toward a sale. There are five