Category: Site Conversion

Tableless Design, CSS, and W3C Compliance is Not the End Goal

The following opinion has made me unpopular with more than one web designer.  My primary focus is not web design, while I do fulfill that role at times, I find myself working with and around web designers and developers more often than competing with them.  When looking at a web designer’s work, it is very

Different Results Only Come From Being Different

I recently met with a potential client who was unhappy with the prices he had been getting for comic books on EBAY.  He had a large collection to sell and wanted to use the capital to start an online comic store.  He was hoping to keep as much of his personal collection as possible to

Trust Through the Internet? Start off the right way.

Everyone is skeptical of almost everything they see on the internet.  There’s a good reason for that, it’s full of scams and dishonest material.  So how does an honest organization or business show that they are above board.  Simply saying “I’m for real” doesn’t cut it.  Especially because the scammers and spammers are saying that already

Website Leads to Sales Process Disconnects

Once a site is set up to start producing sales leads and has traffic to actually get them, there tends to be an over-zealousness that takes place.  Impatience can also play a factor in getting that transition off on the wrong foot.  When making a web lead into a sales lead, be respectful of what

Is Video the Web of the Future?

Everyone is rushing to add video to their websites.  Video increases conversion!  Video increases interaction!  Video increases return visits!  While all of these statements can be true its easy to oversimplify.  Use video reasonably and avoid video obsession. Video is becoming easier and easier on the web.  That just makes it one more thing that

Website Offerings: Don’t Advertise What You Don’t Have

It wouldn’t make a lot of sense to advertise a product or service that you couldn’t provide, would it?  Yet that’s what many websites currently do.  They manage to create interest, get a user to take action, and deliver . . . nothing.  This most commonly happens with newsletters, downloads, or trial offers.  If you