Category: Uncategorized

Use Your Digital Marketing Resources Wisely

Time, money, and energy are the finite resources that you need to distribute across your digital marketing strategically to get the most effective campaign.  This is easily forgotten as different people come together to work on a campaign with distinct perspectives.  Typically, these perspectives can be broken up into 3 categories. Content Design Technical Technical

Is Your Content Becoming Redundant?

That’s funny . . . I don’t remember being absent minded!? Meeting the demands of a consistent digital marketing campaign can lead content creators into becoming repetitive. This is especially true for trainers, consultants, and professional coaches that have been producing long term content from a limited amount of topics. To combat absent-mindedness or redundancy

Is Marketing Automation Worth the Effort For Your Company?

Almost every company, large or small, aspires to achieve a systematic process for marketing automation.  Marketing automation promises pre-defined triggers and communications that will minimize time and effort while maximizing sales and leads. However, most companies run through an endless cycle of false starts and rebuilds that never really fulfills that promise.  So if marketing

Is Marketing Targeting Sales Now or Sales in the Future?

During the pandemic, there has been a fairly prevalent sentiment that now is not the time to sell.  The rationale is that people and businesses are experiencing unprecedented hardships and do not want to be sold or marketed to. Like most advice with a broad scope, there are certainly situations where that is a sound

The Right Offer During The COVID -19 Downturn

Business as usual is not business as usual. While some training, consulting, and coaching firms are slow to react, others are rapidly cycling through a multitude of options hoping that one will stick. Whether overreacting or underreacting, almost all of these firms are finding that their digital marketing calls-to-action need to be shifted to appeal

Over Communicate In a Crisis . . . With Purpose

During these turbulent times digital marketing has become more about company communication on processes and intention, rather than  promotional.  As the COVID-19 pandemic disrupts business-as-usual in many markets, it makes sense to scale back on advertising which might appear self-centered.  Clearly relaying what your audience needs to know takes focus. Effective communication requires discipline in

Should You Screen Negativity?

Preventing negativity is not necessarily the same thing as eliminating it.  We had a couple questions posed from our last article about screening out negativity.  While screening out negativity can be a viable option on your own channels, it needs to be handled objectively to ensure you aren’t disregarding valid concerns or criticism. There are

Prevent Negativity from Dictating Responses

The internet is now the number one source for debating. But debating implies a productive dialogue where both parties are offering points and counterpoints to come to a mutual understanding of ideal conclusions or solutions. More often than not, internet debating is more akin to arguing and bickering to reinforce a pre-established bias. Even benign

Inauthentic Email Marketing Personalization

A lot of aspects of email marketing get lumped into good and bad categories.  One such aspect is personalization.  The more personalized the better.  In some ways that is true.  If you can cater content to a particular audience to ensure relevancy then personalization is good.  However many trainers, consultants, and professional coaches don’t have

Website Maintenance: It’s just got to work

Many times the complex can blind us to the simple.  This is true in online and email marketing campaigns.  We become immersed in metrics, schedules, and best practices to refine our online campaigns to their top performance.  That is admirable unless we let the simple items slip.  Stripping away all the complex online marketing vehicles