Category: Web Maintenance

Digital Marketing Biases

Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Trainers, consultants, and professional coaches should take that quote to heart when analyzing their digital marketing campaigns. Our biases about digital marketing are often what prevent us from objectively considering new

Test Your Conversion Mechanism – Every Time, All the Time

The pre-dominant reason that trainers, consultants, and professional coaches run marketing campaigns is to generate leads or sales. While larger firms might include branding and market exposure as a goal, it’s not the primary focus. For this reason, digital marketing should always drive to a call-to-action. If someone completes that call-to-action, they are counted as

Systematize Your Digital Marketing

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and that rate of change has filtered into digital marketing. We wrote a post on simplifying your digital marketing systems but some training, consulting, and professional coaching firms make the opposite mistake of not sufficiently automating their digital marketing. It’s important to review your processes to eliminate unnecessary

Map Your Call-to-Action Visitors Flow

Is your site sending visitors on a path to nowhere? The answer to this is always “no” but the reality is that many trainers, consultants, and professional coaches have digital marketing offers that ultimately lead to nowhere. It’s important to review your site at launch and then periodically to make sure that calls to action

Overcomplicating a Website Project

Technology professionals have long been known for “tech speak”. We web and internet professionals have largely adopted that culture as the internet, software development, and system administration all form closer and closer ties. Many times these terms are useful because they serve as shorthand for best practices or efficiently discussing technically complicated principles. Unfortunately, a

Is Your Digital Marketing Burned-Out or Bored-Out?

In a recent conversation with a client that offers sales training and consulting, the owner said, “We’re burned out. Everything seems the same. We start putting together content and inevitably we end up writing a similar article every time.” It’s not uncommon for trainers, consultants, or professional coaches to fall into a rut because they

Digital Marketing Overload

Marketing and technology conferences can be a great place to get new ideas and stay abreast of best practices. It can also be a great place to be overwhelmed and try to implement initiatives that aren’t well suited to you or your organization. Digital marketing and technology are moving at a rapid pace so effective

Effectively Collect and Display Data

Big data is here and the amount of information that needs compiled, organized, and analyzed seems to grow exponentially every day. Digital marketing and web applications, even for small business, often have quite a bit of data that needs analyzed and communicated. For this reason, it’s wise to spend some time thinking through the data

Understand Your Site’s Content Management System

Sites built on top of content management systems have become very common. WordPress and Drupal sites seem to be the default for most trainers, consultant, and professional coaches. However, many sites that are created with a content management system fail to serve as a templating system because they don’t render pages or posts appropriately. It’s

Simplify Digital Marketing Systems

There are countless tools that can be used for digital marketing. Just finding and selecting the right mix can be arduous, but to further complicate all of these options, many of the systems offer overlapping features which may or may not be useful. In planning a system for digital marketing, make a list of criteria