Leverage Your Personal Style for Improved Digital Marketing Content

Leverage Your Personal Style for Improved Digital Marketing Content

Every trainer, consultant, and professional coach has their own style.  That style can run the gamut from academic to entertaining and anything in between.  Unfortunately, when digital marketing material is being compiled, much of the personality is sterilized to make communications sound “professional”. Personal style can and should co-exist with professional communications to make them more authentic and engaging.

Personal style can come across in any media but none are as obvious as video. The default presentation seems to be a talking head offering a tactic or strategy on a watered down topic in a very serious manner.  If that’s the presenter’s natural style, it can be pulled off but that’s often not a genuine delivery.

It’s advantageous to be yourself in digital marketing messages. Sit down or insert your own brand of humor in a video if that’s your natural style.  It’s OK to use your own sayings or analogies in your writing as long as it’s clearly described in an article.  Even the images that you use can help reflect and reinforce you or your firm’s style.

Leveraging your own style in digital marketing communications will be interpreted as more genuine and allows the audience to get a glimpse of who they could potentially work with.  While your style won’t sync up with everyone, at least it will attract the type of person more likely to buy from you.  And it will help differentiate your messages from the sterilized content that seems to be so prevalent.

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