Making Efficient Design Decisions in Digital Marketing
A shortage of opinions in digital marketing is almost never a problem. That is especially true when dealing with design and layout. Making a case for a design being “right” is often not an objective process. Since the judgement call can come down to how someone or group of someone’s feel, separating informed suggestions from uninformed suggestions can be difficult.
There is an element of personal style to digital marketing. What works for one person or one business is not necessarily the right fit for another. So it’s important to be diligent on what you take inspiration from to ensure that it caters to an individual’s or company’s strengths.
When tackling design elements make sure that input on your design decisions are coming from as small a group as possible that includes only people experienced with your business, digital marketing, and/or design principles. Those who can’t do . . . give advice, and that can drastically hinder the impact of your digital marketing campaigns.