eMarketing Innovation Insights

Digital Marketing Tips & Articles


SEO Copying Pitfall #2: Taking It Beyond SEO Copying

Just like with school students, plagiarism reflects badly on a company.  Taking some title tags, keywords, or meta descriptions isn’t going to be noticed by the user, copying a competitor’s site and just changing the name, logo, and photos will.  A common pitfall people make when copying SEO is they don’t know where to draw the line. 

Don’t Get Paranoid About Unsubscribe Rates

There is a tendency in email marketing to obsess about the bad.  Some people look right past opens and click-throughs to the unsubscribe rate.  If they see 10 people unsubscribed they begin to panic thinking that the campaign has lost its effectiveness and it’s time to move in radically different directions.  Always have an idea

Internet Marketing Can Promote Your Local Business

There is a common misconception of internet and online marketing that it’s only for global customers.  It doesn’t apply to businesses that only have local clients and customers.  This thought is dead wrong, focusing on a local market changes how a site should be structured, but it should still be a featured piece of the marketing

Reason 6: Email & Direct Mail Provides Different Touch Points

Many studies have been done regarding how many times you need to communicate, or touch, prospects before they take action.  In direct mail and email the median number typically comes out between 6 – 10.  That can be a lot of times to interact with prospects without a plan. Including direct mail with your email

Reason 4: The Audience Doesn’t Want Email

This is an aspect that my example did successfully.  They made me proactively opt-in to get email rather than direct mail, however, many people don’t.  In the fervor to cut marketing costs some companies have switched all communications over to email, no exceptions.  I’ll ignore the obvious problem of that not being an opt-in list