Month: July 2019

Is Your Marketing Automation Too Complex?

Who doesn’t love the sound of “automation”?  Often the exhilaration for marketing automation is rooted in marketing professionals that are spread thin, subconsciously hearing an implication of getting something for nothing.  Unfortunately there is a cost to everything.  The obvious cost of automation is the investment of time, money, and/or energy to establish the automated

Are All Businesses Technology Companies?

It’s becoming increasingly common for people to say that their business is a digital or technology company regardless of the industry, product, or service they offer.  To be honest, this statement often rings hollow when reviewing their digital capabilities. There’s many companies, big and small, claiming to be “technology companies” that aren’t particularly adept with

Troubleshooting WordPress for Unexpected Technical Problems

Nothing disrupts the productivity of a day like an unexpected technical problem.  It can derail your whole agenda and reset the day to troubleshooting.  When technical issues arise it’s important to limit your frustration and stay calm.  Mysterious technical problems are almost always the result of something changing so doing some systematic detective work can